Adult Chat

Want to connect on IRC? Ask a moderator!

Looking to chat with other adults in the UK? This is the right chat room. Socialize with other adults all over the United Kingdom and Ireland. Our adult chat room is strictly 18+ and is moderated by humans to ensure that no persons under the age of 18 are in the chat room. You're able to use our traditional text, audio, and video chat settings while in this chat room. No matter what time of the day you're connecting, our UK adult chat room will always be online.

Chat room basics

  • Only English is allowed.
  • Do not spam or flood.
  • Do not post content that is not yours.
  • All users must be 18+ years old.
  • No content dipicting illegal content.
  • No forms of racism, sexism, bigotry, or Islamophobia.
  • No forms of harassment of other guests, members, staff, or services.
  • No forms of hacking or attempting to cause any type of UDP/TCP disruption.
  • Do not impersonate others.
  • Be aware of clicking on any external links!! Do not click anything that leads you away from our website; We are not responsible for what you decide to trust on the internet.
  • Any personal information posted regarding anyone other than yourself will be an instant removal.

Click here for a list of the full chat rules.